NEVER order and keep paper applications in your office from the carriers.

 As soon as you do, they'll be outdated and replaced, then rejected upon submission.


ALWAYS print out the latest application, only after you have used a tool like Adobe Acrobat or other PDF filler program to type in the person's information on the application. You are not allowed, by any carrier, to send them a blank application for the purpose of them filling it out and sending it back to you. You must fill in the information and then send it to them for signatures. 

This is always a good gauge as to whether they are just blowing you off, ie "Send it to me and I'll look at it" vs. actually applying for coverage by giving you the necessary information to fill out the paper application, and then look to receiving it in the mail.


The likelihood of your receiving an application back, that you have sent by mail, is around 50% or less.

This is because of the disconnect that happens from the time you hang up the phone to the time they make another decision after receiving the documents in the mail. There is no sense of urgency, no matter what the savings, and it just does not get done.


IF you have to, default to the next best carrier that accepts a 100% phone application verbally, in those cases, like most every carrier does now do that. 


EXPECT to have people say "send it to me in the mail". That is the #1 blow off objection that there is. And it is just that, a knee-jerk blowoff reaction. 

You have to dig much deeper to see if they're really interested in the savings and what it will do for them.